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Summer Rae Wedemeyer... the journey.

       The main vision I have had in my head has been the same since I was a very small child. Basically, create beautiful things for people to enjoy. I have gone through various conflictions of which style I would end up doing for the rest of my life. As I have gotten a little bit older I have come to the conclusion that my style is EVERYTHING. My gypsy spirit has kept me from being able to stick with one particular style such as realism, landscape art, abstract, colorful, black and white...etc. 

       Throughout my early schooling, my teachers were never able to put me into a category... in fact I was always the artist that was told to do my own thing and always receive the highest grade. Yes, that's a good thing...but then I started to watch my classmates become a specific artist or painter with one style or subject, and saw them pick out schools to fit those specifics. Acceptance letters started to come in and I was left without one due to my stubbornness of not wanting to choose a certain future for myself. To me, that is scary... knowing exactly what I was expected to do and what I would be going through. 

       The unnexpected is what gives me my drive and passion to create. The unknown. That is exactly the way I paint. The first stroke of paint influences the next...and so on. When people watch me paint... they are in just as much curiousity as I am. I am a work in progress. I am creating my own future with what I have been given. Please look around and enjoy. I invite you all to experience my journey with me.

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